sexta-feira, 25 de novembro de 2011

Jesuits - Jesuítas

300g flour
250g margarine
1 or 1,5dl water
2 eggs
6 tablespoons of sugar

Prepare the puff pastry with the indicated ingredients and extend it into strips about 4mm thick. Beat the yolks with the sugar and brush the strips of puff pastry with this mixture and fold them. Then, cut the strips into triangles with a knife. Beat the egg whites and, while doing that, begin to join the sugar. The final result should be a thicker mixture. Brush the top of the Jesuits with it and put them in the oven.
Then, you can finally enjoy it!
Santo Tirso, a city near Vila das Aves, is very famous for its jesuits.

(Ana Rita Neto, Development Group)

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